Quality Assurance & Quality Control – CCA & ACZA

Course Materials

CCA and ACZA (ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate) are both used for a variety of industrial applications. CCA for utility poles, fence posts, plywood, preserved wood foundations, marine pilings and timbers. ACZA is used for rail ties, marine structures and large timbers.CCA and ACZA (ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate) are both used for a variety of industrial applications. CCA for utility poles, fence posts, plywood, preserved wood foundations, marine pilings and timbers. ACZA is used for rail ties, marine structures and large timbers.This module is about the QC and QA needed to guarantee a level of treatment quality to satisfy the various standards pertaining to the use of the products made with these two chemicals. It covers sampling techniques and interpretations of samples, the analytical aspects of quality control used for these products. This is a must do module for those treating with either of these chemistries.

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